Imagine a world where simply the scent of a flower speaks to you. Not in words, but in a visceral, felt understanding. A communion. It isn’t hard to imagine because scents do speak to us, along with other subtle information plants share. It’s just that we have lost the art of understanding that language.
Even as a plant whisperer/listener and herbalist of many years, when the plants began teaching me about “flower codes” several years ago, I was at a loss. Their term, not mine. I even tried to look it up online and found absolutely nothing. But then the digital internet never does hold answers for the most interesting things.
But the flowers themselves continued to teach about a time when this way of being - of direct and instantaneous knowing of ‘other’- was normal and all encompassing. A time when the scent of a flower was enough to transmit all the information and healing that was needed in a second.
The foundation of this way of being, is a state of consciousness – what I now term as Sacred Earth consciousness. From this state, all beings, down to the tiniest spider and the commonest weed are revered as sacred beings containing unique essences that all play a function and key role in the greater whole. Harming another or even the ‘take what I need’ attitude is absent in this state of being, because innate in it is a deep respect for every living being. Therefore every interaction is a relationship. Everything is sacred. No need for a special ceremony or a cup of cacao to make it so.
From this state, simply being with a plant and interacting with it in sacred relationship, an exchange of codes occurs. These carry the unique essence, the soul wisdom of each being, be it plant, animal or your unique human DNA coding. You could envision it like receiving the soul programme a particular flower has from the real world wide web of wisdom. Your unique coding will interact with every flower or being in a unique way – maybe it will evoke healing or clearing, or a deeper understanding of some aspect. Each being holds a missing piece to a greater whole, so to speak.
Meeting ancestral plants in this way can be like soul retrieval as we remember parts of ourselves long forgotten. This is why working with plants of our own lineage first is important; (I’ve covered this in another article: Herbs as teachers, Awakening Ancestral Wisdom), along with plants who we find growing in our immediate vicinity for there is a reason both you and they are there at any moment in time. (If you’re in Australia,
is an awesome resource for the common weeds around you.)As I continued to commune and listen to the flowers that came forth to talk to me, it became clearer that they were transmitting a particular pathway or grouping of flowers that had a specific function. Those that contained specific coding to help humanity remember and return to this sacred way of being. To this date, nine have come forward – flowers that hold the plant teachings and codings that help us reactivate our unique DNA coding to remember our own unique divine blueprint, and within that, the earths divine blueprint of a Sacred Earth.
This pathway of earth soul retrieval via flowers is not a new one and was not created by me, yet through the ages of suppression and calculated effort to wipe out the wise women, herbalists and midwives, it was pushed deeper and deeper underground. The grief that surfaced on retrieval of the first flower code was immense – a collective grief that was at the same time filled with relief. Their rebirth imminent.
The first three flower codes can be read about in depth in the first little book: The Flower Codes: Plant Spirit Teachings for your Soul to Blossom - Book 1: Sacred Birth.
It is a concise and summarised text from years of deep listening with the flowers - the teachings received directly from them, the embodied learning and transitions each flower schooled me in, as well as witnessing hundreds of students work through the plant teachings in the Flower Codes Training.
Which by the way, is open for enrolments but closing very soon. To join the next group of flower awakeners - visit link for more info: Flower Codes Training.
And the book blurb:
Activating the Language of Flowers
Imagine a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and blossom to their full soul potential. Imagine a culture that realises personal blooming not only benefits the whole but enhances everyone’s capacity to shine. Could flowers hold a key?
In The Flower Codes, messages and teachings received in conversation with the plant devas, are combined with grounded herbal wisdom, historical knowledge and years of herbal experience to reveal the power of flowers to awaken, heal and guide us to remember and embody our blossoming self. In the first book of the series, the three flowers that contain the ancient encoding for sacred birth are explored in depth - for the first step in birthing a Sacred Earth lies in our own inner transformation.
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Wow I love this so much. Purchasing the book immediately 💗